The advantages and efficacy of group exercise rehabilitation

It has long been understood that exercise is essential to our overall health and wellbeing. However, this fact doesn’t always provide us the motivation we need to start and stick to a regular exercise regimen. Starting might be difficult, especially when we are recovering from an injury or when our fitness levels drop. Can you identify with this? Group exercise therapy can be the ideal training plan for you! Group exercise therapy is a fantastic way to get you motivated and going in the direction of better health and a more satisfying physical lifestyle.


Exercise therapy is a prescribed treatment exercise program formulated to aid individuals or specific injuries. Exercise therapy and Pilates can benefit everyone. It isn’t just athletes that require prescribed exercise therapy as part of their treatment program. It is an important part of the management of all musculoskeletal conditions. Exercise therapy programs are broad and may include exercises to:

  • Maximise physical abilities
  • Optimise muscular functioning
  • Improve physical fitness
  • Improve general health and wellbeing
  • Aid rehabilitation from injury, pain or mobility issues

Physiotherapists are well placed to prescribe exercise therapy as they are trained in the principles of rehabilitation, how pain works (both the physical and psychological elements to pain) and the role of exercise in tissue repair. Physiotherapists use exercise therapy for injury prevention and rehabilitation because it can effectively address faulty movement patterns that may be the result of or cause of an injury. Exercise therapy is effective because it uses specifically targeted movements to improve the way your body functions.

As well as being physically beneficial, physical activity and exercise therapy can also help people to improve their mental health, as they cause the body to release endorphins known to elevate moods.

In addition to the physical benefits, exercise therapy can help:

  • Relieve stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Combat depression
  • Generally, improve well-being


Group Exercise Therapy classes are exercise classes conducted in small groups. Exercising as part of a group can have a range of social and physical benefits for participants. Group exercise sessions draw on a range of rehabilitative techniques including strength & conditioning, functional movement and Pilates which are still tailored to your individual needs.

A Physiotherapist will take a full history and conduct an assessment to include or exclude directional based exercises in your program. The result is an exercise program tailored to your clinical needs. Utilising a reformer and trapezes, among other equipment, strengthening and lengthening can be achieved often without the aggravation of the injury due to the low impact on the hips, knees and back. Group Exercise Therapy sessions are more than a generic exercise class, they provide therapeutic intervention for musculoskeletal conditions.


Exercise is just plain good for you. It can be used to:

  • Improve your mood
  • Control your weight
  • Prevent disease
  • Recover from injury
  • Increase your energy

However, many people lack the motivation to be consistent with workouts over time; others find it difficult to build it into their busy schedule, and some just find it too boring. To be successful with any lifestyle change or rehabilitation program, it is important to remove potential barriers and a great way to overcome these is through group exercise.

Group exercise, especially when done in a therapeutic setting, can help make regular exercise a more achievable goal. Group Exercise Therapy offers people a social setting which can ultimately improve motivation to persist with an exercise program.

Group Exercise is Social – After an injury, it is easy to feel isolated. This can be due to any number of reasons, including limited physical mobility, difficulty participating in activities due to pain, or taking time off of work. In a group exercise setting, you’re surrounded by people who have the same or similar injuries, which allows you to bond with others and share your experiences. This helps expand your social support system, which can be very important for your mental health after an injury.

Exercising with a Group is Motivating – Exercising next to a group of people that you feel comfortable around and are supportive of your success can be extremely encouraging. It motivates you to work your hardest and put forth your best effort every single class. It may even spark some friendly competition, and when executed properly with the instructor present to ensure safety, can be fun and very motivating.


Conducted in small group sessions of a maximum of 5 members, Physio Elements Pilates and Group Exercise Therapy classes are taught by our physiotherapists. In a group setting, you do your own individual program under the supervision of one of our rehabilitation exercise and Clinical Pilates trained physiotherapists.

Benefits of our Group Clinical Pilates and Exercise therapy classes include:

  • Preventing and managing spinal injuries
  • Improving core stability
  • Building muscle strength
  • Improving mobility
  • Improving flexibility
  • Improving muscle tone
  • Improving body awareness
  • Improving balance
  • Improving coordination
  • Managing arthritis of hips and knees
  • Helping encourage good posture, sports performance and injury recovery
  • Helping prevention of osteoporosis
  • Conditioning the body, which helps prevent injury
  • Stimulating the mind and improving mood
  • Improve mental concentration
  • Improve pelvic stability during pregnancy

For The Over 60’s

We also have over 60s and over 70s group exercise classes tailored to meet specific goals and needs. Most of our clients attend once a week or twice a week class sessions.


Exercise is beneficial for your health whether it is done at home or in a group setting, assuming that measures are being taken to avoid injury or aggravate existing conditions. However, there are additional benefits of Group Exercise Therapy that you won’t get from your individual or home-based exercise regimes.

Benefit from Supervision – When people perform exercises on their own, it’s very common for them to skip exercises they don’t enjoy performing or are unsure if they are performing correctly. In a small group class setting, the instructor will tailor the class program to include the most beneficial and relevant exercises for the specific group, and provide supervision at all times to ensure each participant is using proper form and technique. In this way, they will get to enjoy a great work out that is safe, fun, and effective.

Working Out with a Group Makes You Accountable – The majority of people participating in physiotherapy have an understanding of the benefit of performing their prescribed exercises but have a hard time setting aside the time or finding the drive to do so. Being a part of a group exercise class is a great way to increase your motivation to exercise. You become accountable to your group and the instructor as well as yourself to show up each week and participate. Consistent support from your peers and increased incentive to exercise allows you to play a more active role in your rehabilitation.


Before you start Group Exercise Therapy or Pilates classes you will need a private one on one consultation. This is required before attending a group session to:

  • Enable assessment
  • Develop a tailored program for your specific needs
  • Familiarise you with the equipment and exercises so that you perform them safely

Individual re-assessments may need to be performed to ensure good outcomes. Individual re-assessments may also be needed if you are re attending Group Exercise Therapy after a long break.


Before starting any fitness program you should consider these 5 steps to getting started:

  1. Assess your fitness level – This might include taking some measurements of your body and, how far you can run/walk or the number of repetitions you can do of a particular exercise.
  2. Design your fitness program – Consider your fitness goals and create a reasonable and balanced routine to suit your current fitness level.
  3. Familiarise yourself with the equipment – From running shoes to gym equipment, get to know what you will be using, if it is the best fit for you and how to use it properly.
  4. Get started – Sign up for a group exercise or Pilates class and get your new fitness program up and running.
  5. Monitor your progress – After approximately 6 weeks reassess your initial fitness goals and meet with your Physio or exercise therapist to evaluate your current program. You might need to make some changes to your program at this stage to keep on track with your fitness goals.

Starting an exercise program is an important decision. But it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming one. By planning carefully and pacing yourself, you can establish a healthy habit that lasts a lifetime.

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